
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

File Cabinet Makeover

I am starting to think about how to set up my office, the one the kids are sleeping in until we get their floor laid upstairs :).  A file cabinet is one of those functional yet ugly items that every office needs.  We found an old metal file cabinet in one of the mini storage lockers my husband bought (YUUUP, HE THINKS HE IS ON STORAGE WARS.)  While it was nasty and pretty sub par for MY idea of good office decor, appearances can easily be changed.  It did take some convincing that I could make this thing usable and we should keep it instead of selling it.  But I am convincing.

I can't find my before picture of the file cabinet, but you know what it looked like.We spray painted the dingy silver-looking handles with oil-rubbed bronze to kick this project off.  And the we started tearing pages out of a book and modge-podging them on!

 I know you are wondering what book was file cabinet is covered in The Hunger Games.  Yea, we are cool like that.

After we got the whole thing covered in words, I painted the part where you put a label with chalkboard paint.

 This project was completed for a cost of zero dollars (the BEST kind of projects!).  I used all stuff I had.  And now it's not quite so ugly...yay!

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