
Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Entry Hall Mirror

This ugly old mirror came with an ugly old dresser that I am redoing for the guest bedroom.  I didn't want to put the mirror with the dresser because I have a really cool oil painting of Venice that I want to hang above the dresser.  I also didn't want the mirror hanging out in my garage any longer so it needed a makeover and a place to hang.
However, this ugly mnostrosity was not coming in my house in this condition.  A lot of scrubbing, a little spraypaint, and a little antiquing glaze was all she needed, and in the entry hall she went!
I got this antique church pew from my mother-in-law.  I made the big pillow from some fabric I recently picked up from Hancock's (with no plan for it in mind, of course - until now).  The smaller pillow was a score for $10 at Marshall's. 
I am still working on the other end of the entry hall and will post pics when I get it complete.  What do you think so far?

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