
Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Kitchen Ceiling

One of the first big noticeable issues we found with the new house was that the floor upstairs above the kitchen sloped down, which also made a sag in the kitchen ceiling.  We knew we needed to do something about it before we laid the new hardwood upstairs.  Apparently the kitchen ceiling/upstairs floor needed an additional support beam.  So the men got to work...

Here is the kitchen when we bought it.

And here are Danny and his friend Don fixing the problem.  Don is awesome and everyone should have a friend like him!

We scraped the popcorn ceiling off of every room in the house before we startd painting, but the kitchen ceiling needed something more than scraping because we now had two patched pieces in the middle of the room.  The solution was laying wood on the ceiling. 

I still don't have the light fixture above the kitchen table area but I am doing a little special project to it before we hang it.  I've also painted the cabinets and we've replaced all of the appliances.  I'll save those for other blog posts though :).

We removed the 1980's fluorescent light from the middle of the kitchen and replaced with canned lights over the stove and oven areas.  I like it much better.  I really like the rustic look of the wood and so we decided to leave it natural instead of painting or staining.  It contributes to my vintage farmhouse theme.

Thanks for stopping by!

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