
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Wagreens Trip 05.15.11

Today's Walgreen's trip was good but not great.  I spent $49, which seems like a lot but isn't bad considering what all I got.

I got 6 body washes, 2 packs of taco shells, 3 boxes of Hamburger Helper, 6 bottles of shampoo, 3 containers of coffee, 6 bags of Chex Mix, 3 boxes of dishwasher tablets, 2 boxes of fabric softener dryer sheets and a stick of deodorant.
Retail value is $143.  I saved 67%.  I am finding that there are some items (like coffee) that you just can't get for free or under a dollar.  The coffee is usually $6.99 and I got it for $2.24, which is still a great deal. 

If you watch the Extreme Couponing show, you've noticed that they get pretty much everything free.  They are only buying the things on camera that they can get for free or almost free.  They never buy their staple items - fruit, bread, milk, meat, eggs - the things you can't really get a good deal on, unless they can use overage from another purchase to cover the cost.  I have noticed that most of the stores they are shopping at will allow overage (meaning if it costs $1 and you have a coupon for $1.50 off, they will let you use the $0.50 overage towards other items).  Kroger does not allow overage, at least not the Krogers in our region.  So there are some things we just won't be able to get a great deal on.  Overall, I feel like if I am saving 50% a month with couponing, stockpile purchases, AND staple items, I am successful.

I did read that if you find meat for $2 or less per lb., that is more than likely the best it will get.  Kroger often runs chicken for $1.97/lb. and I stock up enough to last a month or two when it's at that price.   

Let me know if you have any couponing tips or tricks to share. 


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