
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kroger Trip 05.26.11

Some of you may think I am crazy for going to the grocery store every day.  I may be.  But when I go in  for our weekly grocery run, I always see a deal that wasn't in the sale paper.  The sale paper shows such a small amount of the sales in the store.  I have only one or two of each coupon in my handy dandy coupon notebook, so I have to collect the rest from the coupon stockpile when I get home and then stop by the store the next day to buy the item.  I usually am only going in for one to three items and can be in and out in under 10 minutes.  So it may seem crazy to go as often as I do, but I am saving a ton of money and building a pretty little stockpile, so it's OK.  Call me crazy.

Today I got the following items:
8 packages of hot dogs - usually $2.62 per pack, on sale for $1, and I had 4 $1/2 packs coupons.  Final price - $0.50 per pack.
5 shaving creams - usually $2.49 each, on sale for $1.99, and I had 5 $0.55 off coupons which doubled.  Final price - $0.89 each.  I have to figure out how to get this cheaper, but so far this is the best deal I have found on the Edge and Skintimate brands. 
10 Power Bars - usually $1.59 and on sale for $1 each. I had 5 Buy One Get One Free coupons, for which the clerk deducted the retail value of $1.59 each.  This will only happen if you don't enter your Kroger card until AFTER your items are scanned!  If you scan your Kroger card first, the item rings up for the sale price and that is the value that will be deducted for each item.  Final value - $0.21 each.

Retail value - $44.53.  My cost - $12.71.  Total savings of 75%. Not bad.    


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